About service
A GDPR compliance audit is a thorough evaluation of your company’s personal data protection practices.
We will assess and verify the processes involved in handling personal data within your organisation. Based on our findings, we will provide practical recommendations to mitigate the risk of reputational damage and significant financial penalties. Our approach is clear and actionable, without unnecessary complexity or repetitive regulation citations and ensuring that our recommendations streamline, rather than hinder, your corporate processes.
How can we help you?
- Identification of data processing models across all departments of the organisation.
- Evaluating the company’s resources against legal requirements and industry best practices.
- Identification and analysis of key risks, presented in a comprehensive legal report.
- Development of a timeline and action plan, including support for implementation and task allocation within the organisation.
- Preparation of documents designed for the identified processes, including necessary registers, policies, procedures, model contracts and questionnaires.
- Following the implementation of the audit, verification of the accuracy of implemented changes, confirmation of audit compliance and assessment of the company’s practices in specific areas.
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